Using ChatGPT in Mauritius
ChatGPT is the new "talk of the town", but apparently, Open AI is very picky about which town gets on to the hype as it is not available for testing by Mauritian users yet.
Poem: Treasured love
Roaming aimlessly in life until you showed up. I value your love for me more than anything.

Getting the Bellroy :: Hide & Seek Premium In Mauritius
A wallet is the daily companion of men and women. Those little crafts hold memories, souvenirs, and sometimes even dear emotions. Choosing your first or a must-needed replacement can be a lot of work. Here's my story.
Internet for all? Or....
One thing that we surely take for granted these days is internet connectivity. Far are those days with high latency 256 Kbps connections or is it? Guess what? Parts of the world we live in still do not have continuous access to internet or even not at all.