Poem: Moon and Moon’s Gleam
Poem ID: 009 Written date: 2012-10-23 Title: Moon and Moon’s Gleam Like a rescuer you are When the Sun forbids its salvation, You accompany the meek one in the darkness as a faithful companion There where you dwell, infinity calls There...

Poem: Abandoned Pet
Poem ID: 007 Written date: 2012-08-20 Title: Abandoned Pet You’re gone, you’re gone In the wilderness you was left alone...

Poem: Loneliness
Poem ID: 006 Written date: 2012-08-18 Title: Loneliness I remember the times When I was left alone Left behind others, left among...
Poem: The Loving Teacher
Describing the student/teacher relationship, who wants their dear ones to succeed.

Poem: School Time
Poem ID: 001 Written date: 2011-06-13 Last revised date: 2012-02-07 Title: School Time Fair was that time Fair it was When the...