Review: Let the Storm Break (Sky Fall, #2)

Let the Storm Break by Shannon Messenger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book breaks my heart. The ending makes my whole body ache and I’m not even sure if I should be relieved or grieving. The first part of the book leaves the Audra-Vane-together urge in the reader, at least that’s what I felt. I dislike the distance that Audra takes from Vane and even hate her for it. But I can comprehend, maybe in a world like this, with responsibilities this big and the life changing events she (including Vane) just undergone in the first book I would have taken I break too. I love the way Messenger planned the reunion. The romantic moment (but too short) they had alone. The last part of the book is a whirlpool of events; broken Winds, dead Gales, endangered Valley, weak Vane, Gus and Audra falling to Raiden and the most reader-breaking part; Audra breaks her bond. Messenger gives us a lot, like really a lot to process and at some point you even lost yourself along with Audra’s trace that Vane fails to feel.

For those reading this review, this book it definitely a go for it and a re-read-it-a-hundred-times-later type.

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