Chinatown, Mauritius - Food & Culture Festival 2018

I am sure you like food do ya?

Well, when it comes to me, chinese cuisine is one of my favourite.
Last weekend was held this yearly food and cultural event in Chinatown, Mauritius.

It's of those time you get to see Port Louis (well Chinatown) so crowded and lively and most importantly you get to see food stands all along the streets.

Chinatown Food & Culture Festival - The place to get free food.

Yes, you read that right! Free food was at rendez-vous - well at least at one stand but hey, I can go miles just to get free food.

So here's the chef. Specialty? Dry fried noodles.

A tour of the festival?

There's nothing more than being greeted with overheads lamps when you enter Chinatown. Frankly, it gives me the impression of stepping foot inside a prestigious restaurant. Well, an "open" kinda restaurant.

Oh yeah! Not to forget the free noodles...

If you feel upset looking at this 1/4 full plate of noodles just know that I am too.
The taste wasn't bad at all though and I must say that it did suprise me that dried noodles could taste this good! Eventually, I wanted more so... you know the drill.

Mauritius - The palace of street food?

Maybe. I've read somewhere that Mauritius is listed amoung the best countries to have street food. Ever head of this?

Well, I couldn't agree more at that time with food stands everywhere you lay eyes on!

What was on the menu?

Barbecues, Fried noodles, chinese treats with names my brain can't handle (see pictures) and the famous chinese new year cake; "Nian Gao" or as known by the locals as "Gato Lasir".

Oh! There was a chinese variant of the famous Biryani. "Le Briyani Pork".

Just food? Where's the "Culture"?

Apart from food being the "major" part of the chinese culture demonstrated here. The streets were entertained by street dancers, Disk Jokers and some stage performances.

So that was it. I hope you've enjoyed this little adventure.


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